

About The data science center

In recent years, it has been said that the approach to science is changing from the conventional hypothesis-driven science, i.e., a science in which the assumptions made by researchers are verified by experiments, to a “data-driven” science in which models are found to explain the data based on experimental data obtained in various forms. In order to develop data-driven science across the fields of information, biotechnology, materials, and their interdisciplinary fields, and to cultivate new interdisciplinary fields in these fields, we have established a new “The data science center” to promote the development of advanced research and flexible education that meets the needs of society. We plan to promote the development of advanced research and flexible education that meets the needs of society.


Department Introduction

The data science center consists of the Data Science Division, Materials Informatics Division, Bioinformatics Division, Social Implementation Division, and International Education and Research Collaboration Division, and will play a central role in the implementation of data science programs. It will play a central role in the implementation of the Data Science Program and will serve as a common platform for education and research to promote data-driven science throughout the university.

Contact: dsc-info@dsc.naist.jp


Data Science Division

The Data Science Division develops information theory as a basis for data-driven science, with a focus on fundamental research in data-driven science and artificial intelligence (deep learning, inference models).

Materials Informatics Division

We apply data-driven methods to materials science to explore new materials and develop new functions, including processes.

Bioinformatics Division

This division applies data science methods to the analysis of biological data, which has increased rapidly with the development of molecular biology, with the aim of statistically elucidating biological phenomena and their applications.

Social Implementation Division

Through industry-government-academia collaborations, the division is actively engaged in the social implementation and utilization of the research results of data-driven science.